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4 of Our Favorite Cannabis Facts (and 4 Myths to Watch for)

Did you know that humans have been using cannabis for thousands of years? You may think of cannabis use as something more recent, but the first recorded cannabis use dates all the way back to the time of the ancient Chinese emperor Shen Nung in 2727 BCE. In ancient times, cannabis was known and used in the Greek, Roman, and Islamic empires, as well as throughout the Middle East. Cannabis facts like these are not only surprising but also highlight its long-standing significance in history.

Until recent decades, marijuana use seemed like a taboo subject. People believed it was something that only certain groups engaged in, and there was a lot of misinformation propagated in the ‘70s and ‘80s during the War on Drugs. However, things took a turn in 1996 when California became the first state to legalize medical marijuana. In 2014, Colorado took it a step further and legalized marijuana for recreational use.

Marijuana users got an even bigger victory in January 2020 when 11 states, along with the District of Columbia, passed legislation that made recreational marijuana use legal. In addition, 33 states legalized medical marijuana. Due to these changes, cannabis is now relatively accessible and a lot more accepted for recreational use than it was before. If you’re wondering about other facts and myths about cannabis, we’ve outlined a few interesting ones. 

4 Fascinating Cannabis Facts

Ready to separate fact from fiction when it comes to cannabis myths? Let’s take a look at some of our favorite cannabis facts.

1. Many Voters Support Expanding Cannabis Laws

Voters across the United States are increasingly in favor of expanding laws for both medical and recreational use of marijuana. These laws allow adults over 21 to purchase cannabis products legally and grow plants on their own property. Aside from the individual benefits, lawmakers say that legalizing marijuana can generate tax revenue for states, which is a win-win.

2. Cannabis Has the Same Effects on Your Brain as Chocolate

If you feel like you get a little euphoric when you bite into a gooey chocolate brownie, there’s a reason for that. Some of the chemicals in chocolate act in the same way that THC does. These chemicals create dopamine, a neurotransmitter that acts as a hormone and sends “feel-good” signals to your brain.

Chocolate doesn’t have THC, but cannabis products do. While chocolate has a pleasant effect, it’s the THC in cannabis that causes the feeling of relaxation or giddiness that many people associate with being high. THC also activates more parts of the brain than the chemicals in chocolate, so the effect lasts longer and is more intense.

3. Cannabis Can Be Addictive

Many people think that marijuana is different from most drugs in that you can’t get addicted to it. Research shows that one in 11 cannabis users become dependent on it, and the chances double if you start using it as a teen. 

Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) has mental and physical symptoms that can affect different aspects of your life. People are more likely to develop CUD due to genetics or if they misuse other drugs and alcohol, especially in large amounts. This is why it’s important to enjoy cannabis products responsibly or to seek out help if you feel like you’re starting to become dependent on them.

4. Marijuana Is Less Harmful Than Many Other Substances

Studies show that weed is less harmful than other common substances like cigarettes and alcohol. While both marijuana and alcohol can impair your ability to drive and lower your inhibitions, it’s easier to become addicted to alcohol and nicotine products. Both of these are linked to several long-term health risks, including cancers.

4 Common Cannabis Myths

Now that we know some facts, let’s debunk some common myths about cannabis.

1. You Can Get High From Secondhand Marijuana Smoke

It’s really unlikely that you get a contact high just from being around people who are smoking marijuana. Research shows that inhaling secondhand smoke for long periods only produces mild effects unless people are in a confined space.

2. Cannabis Can Cure Anxiety

Even though some people use cannabis to relax, it can’t cure anxiety. If you’ve ever had a bad trip, you know that the opposite can be true: marijuana can cause you to feel anxious or paranoid. While marijuana creates a mellow high for some people, it can make others irritable.

If you experience relaxation while using weed, you’ll still have anxiety after its effects wear off. Cannabis may help alleviate anxiety symptoms for a time, but it can’t fix the problem. 

3. Marijuana Is a Gateway Drug

This might be a common belief, but it isn’t necessarily true. Research shows that young people who use marijuana are more likely to try other drugs, but it isn’t the marijuana that makes them do it. They may try other drugs for the same reasons they tried weed, which could be curiosity, peer pressure, or a desire to know what a high feels like.

4. Marijuana Use Is Linked to Higher Crime Rates

While it’s true that some people are in prison for marijuana-related crimes, decriminalization and legalization of cannabis help to lower this risk. Studies may show that marijuana use is higher among offenders, but this doesn’t mean cannabis causes criminal behavior. Marijuana use typically doesn’t lead to aggression that may result in violent crime.

Get All of Your Cannabis Faves at DDM Cannabis

DDM Cannabis is a minority-owned cannabis retailer located in Blackstone, MA. This convenient location allows us to proudly serve customers in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. We offer an excellent selection of products at competitive price points to ensure that our customers can enjoy high-quality and affordable cannabis.

If you have questions about cannabis facts, myths, or products, our knowledgeable staff is happy to help. We stay informed on the latest products and news in the cannabis world to ensure that our guests have the best shopping experience possible. Stop by DDM Cannabis today to learn more about our products and find your new favorites!

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