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Cannabis Leaves Curling Up? Here’s Why & How to Fix It

If you want a good weed experience, you need high-quality cannabis. And if you’re growing cannabis, proper maintenance can come with challenges. One of those is that cannabis leaves can start curling up. But why does this matter, what causes it, and what can you do about it?

We’ll discuss in this blog post what causes cannabis leaves to curl up, how to prevent it, and what steps to take to care for your plant. Keep reading!

What Leaves Curling Up Look Like

When cannabis leaves curl up, they look claw-like, with the edges typically turning upward towards the light.

It’s important to pay attention to this curling because it’s a clear sign of distress. So, by spotting and fixing the problem early, you can keep your plants healthy and of great quality.

Causes of Cannabis Leaves Curling Up

Cannabis leaves can curl up for a lot of reasons, and figuring out the cause is key to fixing the problem. Here are the most common culprits:

Temperature stress

Let’s face it, super hot or cold temperatures don’t typically bring out the best in us. It can be very uncomfortable! Similarly, this can cause discomfort to your cannabis plant and cause it to curl up. This tends to happen when the temperatures get hotter than 85°F or colder than 60°F.

Overwatering or underwatering 

Too much or too little water can also cause plant stress. Overwatering can cause the cannabis plant’s cells to swell and drown its roots, causing the leaves to curl. On the other hand, underwatering can also cause trouble since cannabis, like other plants, needs enough water to survive.

Nutrient deficiencies

Nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus are essential nutrients for a healthy cannabis plant. A deficiency in any of these nutrients can cause your cannabis leaves to curl. Nutrient deficiencies can also lead to other issues, such as cell and tissue death, misshapen leaves, and discoloration. Overfertilizing can also cause problems, as it may lead to extreme stress, which in turn makes the cannabis leaves curl and change color.

Pest infestations

Pests like spider mites and aphids love cannabis plants and can cause the leaves to curl. They can also turn the leaves yellow, create holes, and even reduce the plant’s potency.


Leaving your cannabis plant in overly moist air can cause the leaves to curl and even lead to mold growth, which are obviously clear signs of an unhealthy plant. However, be careful not to overcorrect this problem, as exposing your plant to dry air can also cause issues, making the cannabis leaves dry and brittle.

Too much or too little light

Another common cause of cannabis leaves curling is too much light. While light is important for your plant’s health, too much can stress it, causing the leaves to curl as a protective measure. On the other hand, too little light can cause the leaves to curl toward a light source.


Leaving your plant in an environment with excessive wind can cause the leaves to curl to defend themselves.

How To Fix Cannabis Leaves Curling Up

Now that you know the common causes of cannabis leaves curling up, let’s discuss how to fix it.

Identify the cause

First, you need to figure out what’s causing your plant to curl. Examine the growing environment for factors like heat, water, nutrient levels, pests, and exposure to light and wind. Identify the root cause to find the right solution.

Change the environment

If heat stress is the issue, move the cannabis plant to a cooler environment. Conversely, if cold temperatures are the problem, relocate the plant to a warmer area. If you’re growing your plant inside, installing a thermostat, if you don’t have one already, can help. Aim to keep the temperature within the ideal range of around 70°F to 85°F.

If humidity is the issue, you can use a humidifier or dehumidifier to make sure the air is neither too moist nor too dry. Also, position the light at an appropriate distance from your plant to prevent light stress or insufficient light exposure. 

And if you’re keeping your cannabis plant in a windy environment, move it ASAP!

Fix your watering routine

Since overwatering or underwatering can both cause leaf curling, it’s important to adjust your watering routine before it’s too late. Make sure your pots have drainage holes to allow excess water to escape. And if you notice the soil is dry near the surface, water it more.

Balance nutrients

Pinpointing nutrient deficiencies might seem complicated, but nutrient deficiency testing kits can help you assess the soil and correct the issue. Check your nutrient mix to make sure your plants are getting the necessary nutrients.

Treat for pests

If pests are causing the problem, treat your plants with pest control solutions like insecticidal soap or neem oil. Regularly inspect your plants for tiny pests, webs, or sticky residue to catch infestations early.

How to Prevent Cannabis Leaves from Curling 

The good news is that preventing cannabis leaves from curling involves similar steps to addressing the problem. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Keep your plant away from extreme temperatures, maintaining an optimal range of 70℉ and 85℉.
  • Water your plant using a moisture meter to ensure a balanced amount.
  • Give your plant the proper amount of nutrients and choose a good soil provider.
  • Guard your plant from pests by regularly inspecting for webs or sticky residue.
  • Protect your plant from environments with excessive or insufficient humidity.
  • Shield your plant from very windy conditions.

Try DDM Cannabis in Blackstone, MA

If you want to skip the growing process and are looking for high-quality cannabis, visit DDM Cannabis in Blackstone, MA. We want our customers to have a great weed experience, so we make it our mission to provide quality products to our community. Try DDM Cannabis today!

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