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What Is a Spliff? What to Know About Marijuana Cigarettes

When you think of smoking pot, you probably imagine rolling marijuana in paper. As you probably well know by now, there are a number of ways to smoke marijuana. You have joints, blunts, and spliffs. On the outside, they might all look the same to the untrained eye, but there are actually some key differences between these types. 

But let’s talk more about spliffs. What is a spliff? What sets this way of smoking apart from the rest? Let’s find out in this guide.

What is a Spliff?

A spliff, also called a marijuana cigarette, is a mix of cannabis and tobacco. The word spliff is West Indian and comes from Jamaican English, but it’s now used in many countries. The name is a combination of the words split and whiff. Split refers to the mixture of cannabis and tobacco, and whiff refers to the distinct smell. Some spliffs are a 50/50 mix, but oftentimes, it’s up to the discretion of the roller to decide the ratio of marijuana and tobacco.

If you’re traveling to Jamaica, you should know that a spliff can sometimes be just cannabis and no tobacco. Outside of Jamaica, like in the U.S., a spliff is almost always a mix of marijuana and tobacco. Either way, the mixture is usually wrapped in rolling papers, the same kind you would use to make joints.

Spliffs vs. Blunts

Whereas a blunt has only cannabis on the inside, a spliff is a mix of cannabis and tobacco. Blunts have a little bit of tobacco due to the wrapper, but the quantity is much less than in a spliff. A blunt is also pretty thick and contains quite a bit of pot. Think of it more like a thin cigar. Spliffs, on the other hand, are smaller and thinner, hence the term marijuana cigarette.

Like joints, you can make a spliff using rolling papers. With blunts, you use a tobacco-leaf wrapper from a cheap cigarillo, like a Swisher Sweet, to keep everything packed in nice and tight. The term blunt comes from the cigar brand Phillies Blunt. Even though the inside of a blunt is all marijuana, you will still get some tobacco from the wrapper when you light it.

Spliffs vs. Joints

Most cannabis users are familiar with the good old joint. It’s probably what comes to mind first if you hear blunt or spliff and don’t know the difference between the three. 

Both spliffs and joints are made using rolling papers. A joint is cannabis rolled up in thin rolling papers and may have a filter on one end. 

Joints are a popular way to smoke weed, even if it takes a little practice to get the hang of rolling one.

Of the three ways of smoking mentioned here, joints are the only ones without any tobacco. This is the main difference between a joint and a spliff — besides the tobacco, they are essentially the same.

The Pros and Cons of Spliffs

Now that you know the difference between the three methods of smoking cannabis, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of spliffs. As a bonus, we’ve also included some pro tips to help you roll the perfect spliff the first time.

The Pros

Spliffs have a unique smell, with the tobacco often covering up the smell of cannabis. This can be handy if you’re trying to be more discreet about smoking since the tell-tale scent of marijuana is less pronounced. Remember, it’s still illegal to smoke in public in many places, even if marijuana is legal in the state. If you’re smoking in a more secluded area but are still a little worried about getting caught, then spliffs might be a better option for you.

If you’ve ever smoked a cigarette before, you might already be acquainted with the buzzy feeling caused by nicotine. Smoking a spliff will not only give you a relaxing marijuana high but will also intensify the nicotine headrush you get from smoking cigarettes.

The Cons

The downside to smoking a spliff is that it contains tobacco, a carcinogen that’s linked to several kinds of cancers. Scientific studies warn against smoking tobacco as it can cause tumors or cancerous growths. Cannabis, on the other hand, is the subject of many studies for its potential anti-cancer properties.

The nicotine in tobacco can be addictive, so you shouldn’t smoke spliffs if you don’t want to risk developing an addiction. Not only is smoking tobacco bad for your health, it’s an expensive habit that’s hard to quit. 

Some people also don’t like the taste of tobacco, as it’s quite different from marijuana.

Tips for Rolling the Perfect Spliff

Rolling a spliff is very similar to rolling a joint. If you’ve rolled a joint before, then you’re probably already a pro at rolling a spliff. But if you don’t know what to do, here are steps you can follow.

1. Choose your favorite rolling paper, preferably unflavored, since you already have the taste of marijuana and tobacco.

2. Decide how much of each substance you want to use in your spliff, then grind the flower.

3. Bend the rolling paper into the shape of a U in your hand with the glue facing up. Add a filter to the drawing end and put the weed and tobacco in the middle of the paper.

4. Roll the paper while ensuring the mixture stays in the middle. Use water or lick the paper to seal the end of the spliff.

5. Now light, smoke, and enjoy!

Get All of Your Favorite Marijuana Products at DDM Cannabis

DDM Cannabis, located in Blackstone, MA, is your go-to for all things cannabis. Our unique location allows us to offer top-notch cannabis products to customers in Massachusetts and Rhode Island at very competitive price points. 

Our budtenders are always keeping up-to-date with the latest trends in the world of marijuana, so we can answer any questions you have, like the difference between blunts, spliffs, and joints. This knowledge also allows us to make personalized recommendations for you based on your wants and needs.

Drop by DDM Cannabis today to take a look at our inventory and learn more about our story. We aim to be the area’s neighborhood dispensary, offering quality products you can trust!

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